Ello’ Darling!

Life Coach Mindset Coach London San Fransisco Wellness Coach

My life has been one big, grand adventure… through dips and turns, in and through the mud, leading me to finally transcend the mountain to reach the most spectacular view from the top.  There was a time where being in the mud felt familiar until it became so uncomfortable, I decided to dig myself out of it to experience a new way of being.  A new way of seeing my life and my circumstances. To feel all the freedom, peace, love, joy, abundance, and power that is here for all of us now and always!

I am so glad you are here, and I welcome you on this amazing journey with me!  

I am someone who loves to: drink sparkling water, go on long walks in nature, swim in the sea, connect and have deep talks with close friends (and strangers), travel, cook, watch romcoms, meditate, and laugh until my cheeks hurt! 

 I spent most of my adult life living in the beautifully foggy and hilly city of San Francisco and worked as Head of Operations for my family business.  That was all until the moment when I couldn’t resist the niggling feeling in my gut anymore.  (Read more about that moment: HERE.).  A feeling and knowing that I was meant to do more.  I finally stopped ignoring the (sometimes BLARING) signs and listened to my heart, sold everything and moved to my happy place, England, and stepped fully into my dream of helping others as an Intuitive Energy Coach.

I was always open and attracted to topics of self-growth and spirituality.  In my twenties, I began the process of unraveling myself from my past story, so I could step into the present and create the life of my dreams.  I realized that I didn’t have to do it all on my own, so I began to seek outside professional guidance (therapy, coaching, intuitive counseling, shamanic therapy, workshops, soul retrieval, etc).  By releasing my old belief systems, I can now proudly say that I am a recovered people pleaser and control freak! It can be done, my loves! 🤍

I spent the last two decades studying self-development, participating in numerous workshops and trainings (scroll down to see a list of completed programs), and transcending my own imposed limitations, which has given me the tools so I can safely hold space for others.  Through my own experience, as well as, supporting my clients on their own journeys of self-discovery, I have seen firsthand how quickly you can transform and manifest the life you desire.  A life where miracles flow freely to you.  I am very passionate about guiding others to remember the love, abundance, power, peace, and happiness that is ALREADY within each of us.

Since the pandemic, I have fully released control and leaned into a lifestyle as a Digital Nomad. Taking my business fully online has allowed me to work from anywhere in the World! I have lived and worked in England, France, Croatia, Hungary, Greece, Italy, New York, California… and the list will continue to grow. I have always wanted to travel more and now I have found a way to combine my two passions! I wake up every day inspired and wildly happy. I am the happiest person I know. I continue to follow the energy and the light, and with this intention, amazing opportunities keep coming to me.  I am in the process of opening my business in England and then will establish a permanent residency there, but until that moment you may say: 

“Where in the world is Robin?”

The possibilities for you are endless.  You can live a life of your choosing.  I am a living example of this.  I am here to support YOU to break free from the old stories and beliefs so you can realize everything you already are and everything that you have ever wanted to be.

It’s simple: anything is possible.  Repeat that- ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  I would love to guide you in making what you believe is impossible, possible.  

Take the leap with me. 

I am here to catch you and help you soar!


The Real Reel

Here’s a fun, little video to introduce myself! I want to help you break FREE from your old stories so you can step into your BEST SELF and create the future of your DREAMS!

What People Are Saying


“Robin re-engineered my false pretenses and set me up for success, all while making me feel good about myself.”


“Robin is wonderfully intuitive, her natural ability to work with dynamic people is apparent in all she does, down to the way she customizes each session.”

— Kelsey


“Robin is positive, funny, and amazing to be around. She has helped me look at my life circumstances differently and helped me see what is possible.”

— Jessica

Robin was able to show me how to move from being “stuck” to being “free” to be the loving and generous soul that I was meant to be before life’s challenges happened. It’s never too late. 


“Robin is a gifted soul that understands that life is about the journey and how important it is that we show up to the inherent challenges we all face. She has the ability to relate and connect due to her years of self-work and training which provide her with the necessary tools to coach authentically and wholeheartedly. Her empathetic spirit and genuine caring nature makes her an amazing person to help guide one through any block that shows up. A gift.”

— Chasen O

Some of the amazing programs I have completed and teachers I have trained with…

Certified Life Coach: CoActive Training Institute

Sara Landon: Advanced Masterclass Member

Certified Completion of Gabrielle Bernstein’s Masterclass

Lee Harris

Eckhart Tolle

Byron Katie

Joe Dispenza

Geneen Roth

Anita Moorjani

And more….

Happiness comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.